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সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২
Using Life Insurance in Your Estate Planning
Life insurance is an important and integral part of estate planning.? Although the life insurance industry has changed significantly in the last 20 years in the products it offers and the purposes for which life insurance can be used, life insurance, in its purest form is specifically intended for estate planning.? Consequently, everyone, no matter their age or net worth, should consider using life insurance as one tool in their estate planning portfolio.
?From my perspective, life insurance is most useful in the following cases (there are more, but these are the top purposes):
- ?First, people who have smaller sized estates who would like to create one to take care of heirs when they die. Very often, when you have young children, life insurance is a way to be sure the kids are raised and educated even if you?re not there
- Married couples with over $2 million in net assets or who have a high probability their estate will exceed $2 million. There are interesting ways to reduce the estate tax burden on your estate using life insurance.
- For single persons, over $1,000,000, or who have a high probability your estate will exceed $1,000,000.
- People with an existing insurance policy in their estate who would like to remove it for tax purposes.
- People who own businesses and and have key people they need to insure
- Anyone with high interest in giving to charity while not reducing inheritance to heirs.
- People with taxable, yet illiquid estates.
- People who have businesses in which they have partners or co-shareholders, and desire to have cash to buy-out the heirs should the partner die unexpectedly.
- My intention in this article is to focus on the situations I deal with the most; primarily, in cases where there are estate taxes that will be due on death.
The Two Tax Systems in America
Anyone who has been actively investing for any period of time understands that we have two tax systems in the U.S.: One for the uninformed, and one for the informed.? Congress relies upon Americans falling into the former category.? Each year many millions of people pay more taxes than they should.? Nowhere is this more true than in the case of estate taxes.
When World War I came along, the Revenue Act of 1916 was born.? Unlike previous estate taxes this tax did not go away.? Interestingly, this tax was not intended to raise extremely large amounts of revenue; its original purpose was to prevent the very wealthy from keeping large concentrations of wealth in the family for many generations.? President Franklin Roosevelt, speaking of the estate tax very bluntly, stated that it was based upon, ?the very sound policy of encouraging a wider distribution of wealth.?? The federal estate tax was thus created to penalize successful people in the United States.? Although the country was built upon basic capitalist concepts such as free trade and the unhindered ability of anyone in American to become successful and wealthy based upon their own personal abilities. In short, the government, through the estate tax, will force the fruits of their labor to be redistributed upon their death.? Need for capital to feed the federal government overcame the social policy against controlling its citizens.? Our government fell into the same routine as governments throughout history, by restricting ownership rights of property based upon social policy rather than revenue policy.
Opponents of the tax challenged it in the U.S. Supreme Court, but the Court held the federal estate tax to be constitutional under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, which says:
?The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform thoughout the United States.
Because the federal estate tax is not technically a tax on property, the Courts could squeeze its constitutionality into other areas of the Constitution.? Essentially, the Supreme Court was holding that the estate tax is a tax on the privilegeU.S. citizens have to give their property to another.? Because it is not a tax on the property itself, there was no requirement for Congress to attempt to change the Constitution to fit within its strict wording.
In 1935, the redistribution of wealth concept garnered even more support in Congress with a significant rise in the estate tax rates. The nature and character of the estate tax has gone through many changes over the years, with the details changing significantly down to today.? Fortunately, major changes to our tax system in 1986 and in 2001 allow citizens faced with estate taxes to take action to reduce them dramatically.? The burden of taking that action, however, rests with the citizen, and without proper education and planning, doing nothing, or doing the wrong thing, can have significant negative effects for heirs.
Estate and Gift Taxation
Currently, the estate taxation system in the United States is what is known as a ?unified? system.? This term came about as a result of Congress integrating gift taxes, estate taxes, generation-skipping taxes and excess retirement accumulations taxes. ?The implication for this is that Congress taxes both gifts during life and transfers to beneficiaries after death under the same system.? As of the writing of this article, estate tax exemptions are set to be on all estates over $1 million in 2013.
The Gift Tax
The gift tax is levied on gifts made during lifetime.? Each time a person makes a gift, the gift tax applies.? There are exceptions to this rule which will be explained below.? Federal tax regulations define a gift as a transfer made, during lifetime for less than fair market value.? In order for persons to make a gift, they must relinquish complete control over the gifted asset.
The Estate Tax
The estate tax is a transfer tax levied after death.? Congress requires that an estate tax return be filed, and any taxes due and owing be paid within nine months of the date of death.? We will discuss this issue in depth below.
Under current rules, if the gross estate exceeds $1,000,000 (2013 ? we don?t know what will happen as Congress changes the laws), estate taxes will be due and owing.? If there were taxable gifts made after 1976, that $1,000,000 threshold is reduced by the amount of those taxable gifts made.
The personal representative, or in the case of a revocable living trust, the Trustee, has responsibility for filing the estate tax return, form 706, and paying the taxes, in cash, within nine months of the date of death.
The Estate Tax Rates
The federal estate tax rates are extremely high, and the brackets are fairly small between rate increases.? For paying estates, every dollar over $1,000,000 is taxed at 41% or higher, up to a rate of 50%.? In addition, there are penalties for giving too much to generations that are more than one generation below yours, and for IRA accounts that are too large.
?Key Question:? If your estate will owe taxes, how will they be paid?
When it comes time for your estate to have to pay taxes, the key questions to be answered is how will they be paid?? The four ways estate taxes may be paid are:
1. Cash
If your estate has enough liquid assets, your estate will pay cash, within 9 months to the IRS.
2. Forced Sale
If your estate does not have enough cash, the system will require that your best assets (the most marketable) be sold to raise the money for taxes, once again, within 9 months.? The primary problem with this method is that if the asset does not have a published market value, buyers who are aware the property, business, etc. is being sold to pay taxes will probably seize the opportunity to pay less than what would otherwise be fair market value.
3. Borrow
Your personal representative may have to mortgage property in order to keep the property and still have enough money to pay taxes.? The cost of borrowing will reduce the amount ultimately destined for the heirs.? If you own a family farm and it consists of more than 25% of your estate, or if you own a closely held business and it consists of more than 35% of your estate, the government may be willing to loan the estate the money to pay off your estate tax bill.
4. ?Tax? Insurance
A life insurance policy that is either owned by your children or an irrevocable life insurance trust, will provide estate tax free liquidity, and will actually reduce your estate?s share of the cost for estate taxes.
In the situation where you are insurable, very often a life insurance policy becomes an opportunity to deeply discount your estate taxes.? In fact, the entire cost of estate taxes can be traded for the cost of premiums on a life insurance policy.? If you do not own the policy, the proceeds are not includable in your taxable estate and are therefore not taxed.? Additionally, the proceeds from a life insurance policy are not income taxable to the recipients.? The result is that the actual cost of paying off the IRS is usually dramatically reduced. On the next page is a chart illustrating just how dramatically the cost of taxes is decreased using life insurance.
There is another benefit to using life insurance.? If your estate is not very liquid; for instance, if much of your estate is a business or hard to sell property, the proceeds of the life insurance policy are immediately available to pay the taxes. This eliminates the requirement to sell the assets quickly, which increases your estate?s chances of selling the property at a much higher value.
?Financing Your Estate Tax Liability Assuming $1,000,000 Estate Tax Assessment
?Borrowing: ?????????????????????????? From a Bank (10% interest for 15 years):: $1,972,107
????? ????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? From the Government (IRC Section 6166): $1,443,459
Liquidating Assets: ???????????? Non-liquid $1,428,571
Liquid assets: $1,000,000
Purchasing Life Insurance: Term*: $538,240
Permanent: $229,247
Second to Die: $106,195
*These are for illustration purposes only: Have your Life insurance professional quote you premium costs (Assumptions: Preferred policy for 55 year old couple, assuming an 8% net rate of return)
Second to Die Policies
For married couples, there can be an even more cost-effective way to use life insurance as ?tax? insurance.? Many life insurance companies now offer a life insurance policy which is based on both lives, and only pays-off at the second death.? Because the entire purpose of ?tax? insurance policies is to provide the cash for taxes at the second death, this is a perfect product for estate planning.? The benefit to you is the fact that the premiums are generally lower than other policies, and even if one spouse is not insurable, very often the underwriters will still issue a policy.
The Advantages of Owning Life Insurance Inside an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
In order for life insurance death benefits to avoid inclusion inside your estate for estate tax purposes, the insured cannot be the owner of the policy.? If the insured is the owner, then the entire death benefit of the policy will be included in the net value of the estate.? Consequently, if the owner of the policy is someone other than the insured, it will not be included in the estate.
It is possible for the owners of the policy to be the children of the insured.? This strategy has some potential problems associated with it.? First, if the child goes through a divorce, the cash value of the policy may be subject to the divorce proceedings, and could be awarded to the in-law spouse.? Second, if the child is sued or goes through bankruptcy, a creditor could potentially get the cash value.? Third, if the child is the owner of the policy, the insured will be gifting the premium dollars to the child to pay for the policy.? Very often when faced with the choice of paying for life insurance premiums or orthodontist bills, mortgage payments or toys, the policy premium lapse.? This is one policy that the insured wants to be very careful not to allow to lapse.
If any of these situations concern the client, an irrevocable life insurance trust may be one solution.? The irrevocable life insurance trust (known to estate planners as the ?ILIT?, pronounced eye-lit) is an irrevocable trust specifically set up to hold the insurance policy. A Life Insurance Trust, frequently called a Special Family Trust, plays a unique role.? It not only enables the proceeds from life insurance policies to be available for taxes and other expenses at the time of the insured?s death, but keeps the proceeds from ever being taxable upon either the insured?s death or the surviving spouse?s death. A Life Insurance Trust is one of the most popular estate planning tools for individuals facing estate taxes.
How It Is Set Up
A Trustor cannot be a Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust.? Usually a trusted friend, an accountant, or the eventual beneficiaries (e.g. your children) will be the Trustee of the Trust.? Trustors will make contributions to the Life Insurance Trust and the Trustee has the authority to purchase policies and to pay the premiums on these policies.? By making the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust the owner of the life insurance policies, it prevents the policies from being taxed in the estate of the insured. If however, if you die within three years of transferring an existing policy to the Trust, the proceeds will be includable in your taxable estate.? When purchasing a new policy for the Trust you should wait until the Trust is signed and then the Trustee can purchase the policy with money you contribute to the Trust.? The Trustee will be listed on the application as owner of the policy, as Trustee for the Trust.
What Happens When the Insured Dies
The beneficiary of the life insurance proceeds is the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust so that the Trustee then has the cash which is usually needed to pay taxes.? However, the Life Insurance Trust cannot directly pay estate taxes.? The Trustee has the authority to lend money to the Trustee of your Living Trust or to buy assets from your Living Trust.? The end result is that the liquid cash needed to pay taxes is available to the Trustee of your Living Trust without having to sell significant portions of hard assets to raise the necessary cash.? The assets in the Life Insurance Trust are then distributed as you have directed, usually the same as in your Living Trust.
Types of Insurance Policies
One of the most popular types of policies for a Life Insurance Trust is a ?second-to-die? policy that just pays out when the second spouse dies; these are less expensive than policies on one life.? If a policy on one life is used and the insured predeceases the other spouse then the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust has the discretion to make distributions to the surviving spouse.
Withdrawal Rights
Your Trust may also contain the option of giving withdrawal rights (sometimes referred to as ?Crummey? powers, named after the Crummey family involved in the case) to the beneficiaries so that contributions made by Trustors to the Trustee to pay premiums do not use up any of Trustors? estate tax lifetime exemption.? Crummey power holders are notified by the Trustee each year regarding what contributions Trustors have made to the Trust that year, then the power holders have the option of making a pro-rata withdrawal of the Trustors? contribution.? The power holders nearly always choose not to make such a withdrawal so that the Trustee can make the premium payment.
As you can see, the goal is to have the cash available to pay taxes while circumventing the IRS?s desire to take a portion of those funds for taxes. Life Insurance Trusts have been in effect for many years and can be a very effective tool in achieving your goals.
The Bottom Line: What Do You Want?
Proper estate planning is much more than mass producing wills and probating estates.
Proper estate planning is a process in which professionals, including an attorney who concentrates his or her practice on estate planning, spends significant time with you, asking the right questions, in order to understand your needs, your concerns and the objectives for your estate.
When you and your attorney reach a mutual understanding of those needs, the attorney will prepare the highest quality legal documents that will assure your control of your property while you are alive, that you and your loved ones are taken care of if you become disabled, and enable you to give what you have to whom you want, the way you want, and when you want, at the same time saving every last tax dollar, professional fee, and court cost possible.
Whether you want to plan using life insurance or not should be your decision, based upon your particular circumstances and personality.? There is no one right answer for anyone.? Having an estate planning attorney help you through the process, however, will be an important investment of your time.
In an age of increasing complexity and specialization, it is good advice to seek a competent estate planning attorney rather than someone who does estate planning part-time.? Many practitioners will offer free initial consultations and will quote flat fees for their services.? If you do not know an estate planning attorney, you can find them by asking friends and relatives, your local estate planning council, your financial planner, stockbroker or insurance agent, or by contacting your local estate planning council.
If you have an interest in talking with a life insurance professional, and do not have a relationship with one, let me know. I?m happy to make a referral.
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'Fiscal cliff' disputes remain as deadline nears
The moon rises behind the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington as Congress works into the late evening, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 to resolve the stalemate over the pending "fiscal cliff." (AP Photo/J. David Ake)
The moon rises behind the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington as Congress works into the late evening, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 to resolve the stalemate over the pending "fiscal cliff." (AP Photo/J. David Ake)
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., followed by Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., second from right, leaves the Senate chamber to meet with fellow Republicans in a closed-door session as the "fiscal cliff" negotiations continue at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Leaders in the Senate and the House are under pressure to find a legislative path to head off the automatic tax hikes and spending cuts set to take effect Jan. 1, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., walks to a closed-door meeting with fellow Democrats as he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., work to negotiate a legislative path to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff," at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Senate and House leaders are rushing to assemble a last-ditch agreement to stave off middle-class tax increases and possibly delay steep spending cuts in an urgent attempt to find common ground after weeks of gridlock. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., third ranking in the Senate Democratic leadership, speaks on his cell phone following a closed-door caucus at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 to discuss how to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts that could kick in Jan. 1. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The White House and Senate Republicans sorted through stubborn disputes over taxing the wealthy and cutting the budget to pay for Democratic spending proposals as Monday's midnight deadline for an accord avoiding the "fiscal cliff" drew to within hours.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., spoke repeatedly Sunday to Vice President Joe Biden, a former Senate colleague, in hopes of settling remaining differences and clinching a breakthrough that has evaded the two sides since President Barack Obama's November re-election. In one indication of the eleventh-hour activity, aides said the president, Biden and top administration bargainer Rob Nabors were all working late at the White House, and McConnell was making late-night phone calls as well.
Unless an agreement is reached and approved by Congress by the start of New Year's Day, more than $500 billion in 2013 tax increases will begin to take effect and $109 billion will be carved from defense and domestic programs. Though the tax hikes and budget cuts would be felt gradually, economists warn that if allowed to fully take hold, their combined impact ? the so-called fiscal cliff ? would rekindle a recession.
"There is still significant distance between the two sides, but negotiations continue," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said shortly before the Senate ended an unusual Sunday session. "There is still time to reach an agreement, and we intend to continue negotiations."
The House and Senate planned to meet Monday, a rarity for New Year's Eve, in hopes of having a tentative agreement to consider. Yet despite the flurry of activity, there was still no final pact.
And in a move that was sure to irritate Republicans, Reid was planning ? absent a deal ? to force a Senate vote Monday on Obama's campaign-season proposal to continue expiring tax cuts for all but those with income exceeding $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples.
Attached to the measure ? which the GOP seemed likely to block ? would be an extension of jobless benefits for around 2 million long-term unemployed people. The plan was described by Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the chamber's No. 2 Democrat.
The House and Senate met Sunday ready to debate an agreement or at least show voters they were trying. But the day produced alternating bursts of progress and pitfalls, despite Senate chaplain Barry Black's opening prayer in which he asked the heavens, "Look with favor on our nation and save us from self-inflicted wounds."
In one sign of movement, Republicans dropped a demand to slow the growth of Social Security and other benefits by changing how those payments are increased each year to allow for inflation.
Obama had offered to include that change, despite opposition by many Democrats, as part of earlier, failed bargaining with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, over a larger deficit reduction agreement. But Democrats said they would never include the new inflation formula in the smaller deal now being sought to forestall wide-ranging tax boosts and budget cuts, and Republicans relented.
"It's just acknowledging the reality," Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said of the GOP decision to drop the idea.
There was still no final agreement on the income level above which decade-old income tax cuts would be allowed to expire. While Obama has long insisted on letting the top 35 percent tax rate rise to 39.6 percent on earnings over $250,000, he'd agreed to boost that level to $400,000 in his talks with Boehner. GOP senators said they wanted the figure hoisted to at least that level.
Senators said disagreements remained over taxing large inherited estates. Republicans want the tax left at its current 35 percent, with the first $5.1 million excluded, while Democrats want the rate increased to 45 percent with a smaller exclusion.
The two sides were also apart on how to keep the alternative minimum tax from raising the tax bills of nearly 30 million middle-income families and how to extend tax breaks for research by business and other activities.
Republicans were insisting that budget cuts be found to pay for some of the spending proposals Democrats were pushing.
These included proposals to erase scheduled defense and domestic cuts exceeding $200 billion over the next two years and to extend unemployment benefits. Republicans complained that in effect, Democrats would pay for that spending with the tax boosts on the wealthy.
"We can't use tax increases on anyone to pay for more spending," said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.
Both parties also want to block an immediate 27 percent cut in reimbursements to doctors who treat Medicare patients. Republicans wanted to find savings from Obama's health care bill as well as from Medicare providers, while Democrats want to protect the health care law from cuts.
Both sides agree that a temporary 2-percentage-point cut in the Social Security payroll tax was likely to expire. That reduction ? to 4.2 percent ? was initiated by Obama two years ago to help spur the economy and has meant $1,000 annual savings to families earning $50,000.
A senior defense official said if the spending cuts were triggered, the Pentagon would soon begin notifying its 800,000 civilian employees to expect furloughs ? mandatory unpaid leave, not layoffs. It would take time for the furloughs to be implemented, said the official, who requested anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the preparations
Associated Press writers David Espo, Julie Pace and Robert Burns contributed to this report.
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Jim Miller gets bloody UFC 155 win over Joe Lauzon
UFC 155 was headed towards becoming one of the least memorable UFC pay-per-view cards in recent history until Joe Lauzon and Jim Miller stepped in the cage. The lightweights delivered a late Fight of the Year candidate as Miller won 29-28 on all three judges' cards.
Miller opened up the fight with a bevy of punches, and opened a cut on Lauzon's face early. Lauzon's wooziness allowed Miller to lock a standing arm triangle. Lauzon was able to slip out of the choke, but when he emerged, his face was covered in blood.
[Complete UFC 155 recap: Cain Velasquez mauls Junior dos Santos]
Though Miller managed better attacks and wasn't bleeding as badly as Lauzon, he still found himself in trouble late in the third round. Lauzon dove onto Miller's legs, and attempted a leg lock submission. If there wasn't so much blood covering their bodies and the canvas, Lauzon might have pulled out the win.
Lauzon told Yahoo! Sports after the fight that he required 40 stitches for the cuts sustained during the fight.
Miller was impressed by Lauzon's toughness.
?Joe Lauzon is a tough kid. I knew I was going to have to bring my best effort to put him away and I was never able to," Miller said after the fight. "That?s how good he is on the ground. And even in the last minute, look what he was trying to do to win the fight."
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Rick Elice Writes About Thomas Schumacher and Matthew White's Surprise Thanksgiving Wedding
Peter and the Starcatcher's Rick Elice just posted a heartfelt Huffington Post blog about his experience in the Berkshires this November 24th, when he witnessed the wedding of his friends, longtime partners producer Thomas Schumacher and director and actor Matthew White. An excerpt follows.
"Christmas in the Berkshires is like waking up in a Currier & Ives sampler accompanied by that Leroy Anderson song. Since the completion of Thomas Schumacher and Matthew White's place in the country, a gorgeous pile atop a hill in Hillsdale they've christened Otium, a small group of us have turned up each Christmas Eve and Day, washing away our city stress with mulled wine and one another. The environment is pretty grand, but we're not. Just a circle of friends who like to laugh and argue, with families too far away to visit in the short break that Broadway's holiday performance schedule allows...So we were desolate when Tom and Matt informed us that there would be no Christmas at Otium in 2012, as they were off to Venice to save yet another part of the sinking city. I know saving Venice is important, but more important than Christmas in the Berkshires? Seriously? Consternation became disappointment, which became resignation. And then the email arrived from Tom.
"'Dear ones -- Since Christmas has been cancelled, let's do Thanksgiving instead. Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, to be precise. You must come. Must, as in you're coming. 'No' is not an option. Fun and games and the whole gang. November 24th. Be there.'"
Read the full story here.
Broadway producer Thomas Schumacher is currently president of Disney Theatrical Group. His Broadway, West End, touring and international producing credits include Beauty and the Beast, King David, The Lion King, Der Glockner von Notre Dame, Aida, On the Record, High School Musical, Tarzan, Mary Poppins and The Little Mermaid. Matthew White has appeared on the West End in Merrily We Roll Along, Passion and Ragtime. His UK directing credits include Little Shop of Horrors, The Last Five Years, Sweet Charity and Top Hat.
Tony Award winner Rick Elice's theatre writing credits include Broadway's Peter and the Starcatcher, The Addams Family and Jersey Boys. He also worked as a choreographer on The Laundry Hour off-Broadway.
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New York State Assemblyman Sean M. Ryan announced this week that he?s proposing tougher animal abuse penalties. The legislation, which is being called, ?Phoenix?s Law,? is named for a Jack Russell Terrier who was burned alive by two teenagers in October. ?Phoenix? lived through the ordeal, but is still in a Buffalo animal hospital recovering from burns and broken bones.
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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২
Pakistan: Cough syrup suspected in 33 deaths
LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) ? Authorities are investigating cough syrup believed to have killed 33 people in eastern Pakistan in the past three days, a government official said Saturday, the second time in recent months that suspect medicine is thought to have caused multiple deaths.
Also Saturday, an explosion ripped through a passenger bus while it was at a terminal in the southern city of Karachi, killing four people and wounding 40 others, police and hospital officials said. It's unclear if the blast was caused by a bomb or a gas cylinder exploding.
The deaths from the cough syrup occurred in Gujranwala and villages surrounding the city, said Abdul Jabbar Shaheen, the top administrative official in Gujranwala. Another 54 people are being treated at hospitals in the city who are also believed to have consumed the syrup. Those involved are thought to be laborers or drug addicts who drank the syrup to get high, said Shaheen.
Chemical samples collected from the victims' stomachs contained dextromethorphan, a synthetic morphine derivative used in cough syrup that can have mind-altering effects if consumed in large quantities, said Shaheen. It is being investigated whether the people affected by the syrup in Gujranwala drank too much of it, or whether there was a problem with the medicine itself, he said.
Twenty-three people died in the nearby city of Lahore in November after drinking bad cough syrup sold under the brand name Tyno. They were also described at the time as people who consumed the drug to get high.
Shaheen said the cough syrup involved in the incidents in and around Gujranwala was not sold under a single brand. He said there were some people in the city involved in the business of making cough syrup specifically to sell to drug addicts, and officials were trying to arrest the culprits.
Officials temporarily closed one Lahore-based pharmaceutical company whose cough syrup was found in the possession of some of those affected in Gujranwala and were investigating whether it caused any of the deaths, said Shaheen.
The blast that ripped through the bus in Karachi on Saturday set the vehicle on fire and reduced it to little more than a charred skeleton. Police were trying to determine whether the explosion was caused by a bomb or a gas cylinder, said police spokesman Imran Shaukat. Many buses in Pakistan run on natural gas.
The explosion killed at least four people and wounded 40 others, some of whom were in critical condition, said Seemi Jamali, a doctor at the hospital in Karachi where they were being treated.
Karachi has a long history of political, ethnic and sectarian violence. It is also believed to be home to many Taliban militants who have fled U.S. drone attacks and Pakistani army operations in the country's northwest.
Associated Press writer Adil Jawad contributed to this report from Karachi, Pakistan.
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An Explanation For Instagram's Drop - Business Insider
Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom has some explaining to do.
A report that Instagram's user numbers were plummeting spooked Facebook investors so badly that the stock dropped 3 percent this morning.The only problem: The numbers?or rather, the ways in which the New York Post and others interpreted them?were bogus.
So how did this happen, and what do we actually know about Instagram's usage?
It's a vital question, because Facebook's acquisition of Instagram has been seen as a major victory, keeping Twitter and other competitors from grabbing an incredibly fast-growing photo-based social network. Instagram now has substantially more mobile usage than Twitter.
But Instagram's now seen as vulnerable after a badly handled rollout of new terms of service which scared users into thinking Instagram was going to use their photos in advertisements. Flickr and Twitter's rollout of new mobile photo-sharing features seemed opportunely timed to take advantage of the fuss.
So the narrative that Instagram had taken a big hit felt intuitively appealing.
This much everyone agrees on: An app activity-counting service, AppData, run by Inside Network, showed a sudden, marked drop in Instagram users connected to Facebook around Christmas.
That's not all Instagram users?just the ones who have linked their Instagram and Facebook accounts and actively connect the two by logging in, sharing photos or likes from Instagram to Facebook, or other actions that bridge the app and the social network.
AppData tracks activity on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. On a monthly basis, Instagram has grown 15 percent from Thanksgiving, when it had 38 million monthly active users who posted a record-setting 10 million photos. It now has 43 million monthly active users connected to Facebook.
AppData's weekly numbers are steadily up, too. They grew by 2.3 million users to 29.4 million in seven days.
Those are not numbers you'd associate with a troubled app.
It's only in the daily numbers where we see a drop, from 15.9 million to 12.4 million users.
If you're familiar with AppData numbers, you know that they occasionally show short-term glitches, which the service ascribes to changes in how Facebook reports the underlying app-usage numbers it relies on. These usually work themselves out over time as Facebook improves how it reports app activity, but they bedevil app developers, especially social game makers, for whom AppData numbers constitute something like TV's Nielsen ratings.
On December 21, Instagram released new versions of its app for iOS and Android.
Around the holidays, of course, a lot of people got new smartphones and tablets, with new operating systems.
In its latest version for iPhones and iPads, Instagram introduced support for a new feature built into Apple's mobile operating system that connects apps to Facebook. Facebook-connected apps worked on iPhones before, but the new OS feature makes things a lot smoother.
This is just a theory, but what if that direct, OS-level connection changed the way Instagram's app interacts with Facebook in a way that causes less apparent activity on the service?
One other explanation: Instagram made some change to the app that upset a lot of real users, who tend to care about things like how the app works and how their pictures look much more than they do about poorly worded legalese.
Either of those theories strikes us as more plausible than 25 percent of Instagram's user base abandoning it overnight even as it adds millions of new users at breakneck speed.
We asked Facebook and Inside Network, the operator of the AppData service, for comment on our theories, but haven't heard back yet.
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Putin signs anti-U.S. adoptions bill
MOSCOW (AP) ? President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children, part of a harsh response to a U.S. law targeting Russians deemed to be human rights violators.
Although some top Russian officials including the foreign minister openly opposed the bill and Putin himself had been noncommittal about it last week, he signed it less than 24 hours after receiving it from Parliament, where both houses passed it overwhelmingly.
The law also calls for closure of non-governmental organizations receiving American funding if their activities are classified as political ? a broad definition that many fear could be used to close any NGO that offends the Kremlin.
It was not immediately clear when the law would take effect, but presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying "practically, adoption stops on Jan. 1."
Children's rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said this week that 46 children who were about to be adopted in the U.S. would remain in Russia if the bill comes into effect.
The bill has angered Americans and Russians who argue it victimizes children to make a political point, cutting off a route out of frequently dismal orphanages for thousands of children.
UNICEF estimates that there are about 740,000 children not in parental custody in Russia while about 18,000 Russians are on the waiting list to adopt a child. The U.S. is the biggest destination for adopted Russian children ? more than 60,000 of them have been taken in by Americans over the past two decades.
Russians historically have been less enthusiastic about adopting children than most Western cultures.
Lev Ponomarev, one of Russia's most prominent human rights activists, hinted at that reluctance when he said Parliament members who voted for the bill should take custody of the children who were about to be adopted.
"The moral responsibility lies on them," he told Interfax. "But I don't think that even one child will be taken for upbringing by deputies of the Duma."
The law is in response to a measure signed into law by President Barack Obama this month that calls for sanctions against Russians assessed to be human rights violators.
That stems from the case of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was arrested after accusing officials of a $230 million tax fraud. He was repeatedly denied medical treatment and died in jail in 2009. Russian rights groups claimed he was severely beaten and accused the Kremlin of failing to prosecute those responsible; a prison doctor who was the only official charged in the case was acquitted by a Moscow court on Friday.
The U.S. law galvanized Russian resentment of the United States, which Putin has claimed funded and encouraged the wave of massive anti-government protests that arose last winter.
The Parliament initially considered a relatively similar retaliatory measure, but amendments have expanded it far beyond a tit-for-tat response.
Many Russians have been distressed for years by reports of Russian children dying or suffering abuse at the hands of their American adoptive parents. The new Russian law was dubbed the "Dima Yakovlev Bill" after a toddler who died in 2008 when his American adoptive father left him in a car in broiling heat for hours.
Russians also bristled at how the widespread adoptions appeared to show them as hardhearted or too poor to take care of orphans. Astakhov, the children's ombudsman, charged that well-heeled Americans often got priority over Russians who wanted to adopt.
A few lawmakers even claimed that some Russian children were adopted by Americans only to be used for organ transplants or become sex toys or cannon fodder for the U.S. Army. A spokesman with Russia's dominant Orthodox Church said that children adopted by foreigners and raised outside the church will not enter God's kingdom.
Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed to this story.
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Heart Healthy
Women are always being told to watch out for heart disease. So, what matters more when it comes to reducing the risk of developing heart disease- exercising or maintaining a healthy weight? It?s a controversial question that has researchers on both sides of the aisle talking. Steven N. Blair, PED, a leading researcher from the University of South Carolina, has been a longtime proponent of what he calls the ?fit and fat? theory. He has tested more than 10,000 people using a treadmill exercise test and found that level of physical fitness is an important factor in determining risk for dying from cardiovascular disease ? more important than weight, age, cholesterol level, systolic blood pressure or fasting blood glucose level, among other factors. If you are more physically fit, you are at a lower risk for dying from a heart attack.
However, a study published in the April 28, 2008 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine challenges Blair?s theory. Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Brigham Women and Children?s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study involving more than 38,000 women to evaluate the joint effect of exercise and body mass index (BMI)* on risk for heart disease.
Contrary to Blair?s findings, they discovered that while exercise will lower the risk of heart disease in women considered overweight or obese, according to the BMI, it doesn?t completely eliminate the risk. They recommended being ?lean and physically active.?
A woman?s feet on a scale. The reading says ?It doesn?t take away the risk entirely. Weight still matters,? said Dr. Martha Gulati, a heart specialist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, in an interview with
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Five questions that will be answered by UFC 155
The UFC's end-of-the-year cards are usually stacked. Despite injuries, UFC 155 is no different. It features intriguing bouts that will answer some burning questions.
Did a knee injury hold back Cain Velasquez the first time he fought Junior dos Santos? When the two first met up last November, Velasquez reportedly had a badly injured knee. He was knocked out in 64 seconds. This time a (seemingly) healthy Velasquez will get to show if he deserves the heavyweight belt.
Has Chris Leben returned to form, for really real this time? Since Leben was on the original "Ultimate Fighter," he has been a man who wrestled with his demons. Most recently, those demons took the form of a banned pain killer which resulted in a one-year suspension from the UFC. Against Derek Brunson, Leben can show he's again the man who knocked out Wanderlei Silva.
Can Tim Boetsch be the next guy to challenge Anderson Silva? Though his original bout with Chris Weidman was called off because of an injury to Weidman, Boetsch still has another opportunity to show he can beat up opponents. He wants a chance to beat up Silva,* and this bout with Costa Phillippou is an opportunity for Boetsch's fighting to shine.
Or should Alan Belcher be the man to take on Silva? It's been more than three years since Belcher lost a fight. His last four fights have been stoppage wins. An impressive win over Yushin Okami could put him in line to fight for the middleweight belt.*
Is Todd Duffee still the knockout artist who once graced the octagon? Back in 2009, Duffee knocked out Tim Hague in a mere seven seconds. After that, the hype train was running behind him full steam. It was derailed when Mike Russow came back to knock Duffee out in the third round of their bout. Duffee was cut from the UFC, and is getting another shot at the octagon on Saturday. He'll fight Philip De Fries on the Facebook preliminaries, and get a chance to show if he can still knock people out very quickly.
*Assuming the next middleweight belt is based on competitiveness and earning a title shot by fighting, not by calling opponents out. Considering what has happened recently in the UFC welterweight and light heavyweight divisions, there are no guarantees.
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Mental Health - Preventing Future Shootings Associated with ...
Preventing Future Shootings Associated with Mental Illness 0 5
The Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut happened almost two weeks ago. The sorrow and implications of the fatal occurrence have not left the minds of most Americans.
In fact, experts have been debating over the possibility of preventing future shootings. The topic of mental illness has become most prominent in this discussion, and experts are pondering how mental health care could potentially factor into prevention of future shootings.
Gallup conducted a poll on Dec. 18, 2012, asking how effective people thought different solutions would be in preventing future mass school shootings. The most effective solutions were ?increasing the police presence at schools,? and ?increased gov?t spending on mental health screening and treatment.?
One columnist for the Christian Science Monitor suggested that there needs to be more of a focus on preventing and addressing mental health issues and social isolation, which both can contribute to mass shootings in his opinion.
Dr. David Sack, an addiction psychiatrist and CEO of Promises Treatment Centers, said in an email that he agrees better mental health care will gradually lead to less violence among the population of people with mental illnesses.
?Better community based mental health services are desperately needed and will decrease the number of mentally ill who go without treatment,? Sack said.
?Over time this will improve the integration of persons with mental illnesses into society, and decrease the risks that come from being marginalized and ostracized. Appropriate treatment reduces the risk of violent behavior.?
Tina B. Tessina, a psychotherapist and author, said in an email that stricter gun laws and greater access to mental health care could prevent future shootings problems.
?I know how difficult it is to get care for a dangerous person who refuses care,? Tessina said.
?We need to adjust the law on that ... I have worked with a number of parents of dangerous minors, and getting care for them is very difficult, expensive and emotionally painful.?
We value and respect the experiences of all of our HERWriters, but everyone is different. Many of our writers are speaking from personal experience, and what's worked for them may not work for you. Their articles are not a substitute for medical advice although we hope you can gain knowledge from their insight.
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Fees undermine fliers' ability to compare fares
WASHINGTON (AP) ? For many passengers, air travel is only about finding the cheapest fare.
But as airlines offer a proliferating list of add-on services, from early boarding to premium seating and baggage fees, the ability to comparison-shop for the lowest total fare is eroding.
Global distribution systems that supply flight and fare data to travel agents and online ticketing services like Orbitz and Expedia, accounting for half of all U.S. airline tickets, complain that airlines won't provide fee information in a way that lets them make it handy for consumers trying to find the best deal.
"What other industry can you think of where a person buying a product doesn't know how much it's going to cost even after he's done at the checkout counter?" said Simon Gros, chairman of the Travel Technology Association, which represents the global distribution services and online travel industries.
The harder airlines make it for consumers to compare, "the greater opportunity you have to get to higher prices," said Kevin Mitchell, chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, whose members include corporate travel managers.
Now the Obama administration is wading into the issue. The Department of Transportation is considering whether to require airlines to provide fee information to everyone with whom they have agreements to sell their tickets. A decision originally scheduled for next month has been postponed to May, as regulators struggle with a deluge of information from airlines opposed to regulating fee information, and from the travel industry and consumer groups that support such a requirement.
Meanwhile, Spirit Airlines, Allegiant Air and Southwest Airlines ? with backing from industry trade associations ? are asking the Supreme Court to reverse an appeals court ruling forcing them to include taxes in their advertised fares. The appeals court upheld a Transportation Department rule that went in effect nearly a year ago that ended airlines' leeway to advertise a base airfare and show the taxes separately, often in smaller print. Airlines say the regulations violate their free-speech rights.
At the heart of the debate is a desire by airlines to move to a new marketing model in which customers don't buy tickets based on price alone. Instead, following the well-worn path of other consumer companies, airlines want to mine personal data about customers in order to sell them tailored services. You like to sit on the aisle and to ski, so how would you like to fly to Aspen with an aisle seat and a movie, no extra baggage charge for your skis, and have a hotel room and a pair of lift tickets waiting for you, all for one price? You're a frequent business traveler. How about priority boarding, extra legroom, Internet access and a rental car when you arrive?
"Technology is changing rapidly. We are going to be part of the change," said Sharon Pinkerton, vice president of Airlines for America, which represents most U.S. carriers. "We want to be able to offer our customers a product that's useful to them, that's customized to meet their needs, and we don't think (the Transportation Department) needs to step in."
If airlines have their way, passengers looking for ticket prices may have to reveal a lot more information about themselves, such as their age, marital status, gender, nationality, travel history and whether they're flying for business or leisure. The International Air Transport Association, whose 240 member airlines cover 84 percent of global airline traffic, adopted standards at a meeting earlier this month in Geneva for such information gathering by airlines as well as by travel agents and ticketing services that would relay the data to airlines and receive customized fares in return.
"Airlines want, and expect, their (ticket) distribution partners to offer passengers helpful contextual information to make well-informed purchase decisions, reducing the number of reservations made based primarily or exclusively on price," said a study commissioned by the association.
Consumer advocates question how airlines would safeguard the personal information they gather, and they worry that comparison shopping for the cheapest air fares will no longer be feasible.
"It's like going to a supermarket where before you get the price, they ask you to swipe your driver's license that shows them you live in a rich zip code, you drive a BMW, et cetera," Mitchell said. "All this personal information on you is going out to all these carriers with no controls over what they do with it, who sees it and so on."
The airline association said consumers who choose not to supply personal information would still be able to see fares and purchase tickets, though consumer advocates said those fares would probably be at the "rack rate" ? the travel industry's term for full price, before any discounts.
It's up to individual airlines whether they price fares differently for travelers who don't provide personal information, said Perry Flint, a spokesman for the international airline association.
The stakes, of course, are enormous. Since 2000, U.S. airlines have lost money for more years than they've made profits. Fee revenue has made a big difference in their bottom lines. Globally, airlines raked in an estimated $36 billion this year in ancillary revenue, which includes baggage fees and other a la carte services as well as sales of frequent flyer points and commissions on hotel bookings, according to a study by Amadeus, a global distribution service, and the IdeaWorksCompany, a U.S. firm that helps airlines raise ancillary revenue. U.S. airlines reported collecting nearly $3.4 billion in baggage fees alone in 2011.
One expense airlines would like to eliminate is the $7 billion a year they pay global distribution systems to supply flight and fare information to travel agents and online booking agents like Expedia. Airlines want to deal more directly with online ticket sellers and travel agents, who dominate the lucrative business travel market. Justice Department officials have acknowledged an investigation is underway into possible anti-trust violations by distribution companies.
Airlines also have been cracking down on websites that help travelers manage their frequent flier accounts. The sites use travelers' frequent flier passwords to obtain balances and mileage expiration dates, and then display the information in a way that makes it easier for travelers to figure out when it makes more sense to buy a ticket or to use miles.
"What the airlines are trying to do right now is reinvent the wheel so they can hold all their information close to their chest," said Charles Leocha, founder of the Consumer Travel Alliance. "As we move forward in a world of IT, the ownership of passenger data is like gold to these people."
By withholding information like fee prices, he said, "we are forced to go see them, and then we are spoon-fed what they want to feed us."
Airlines for America
Travel Technology Association
Business Travel Coalition
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Obesity among young children declines slightly - Health X Pert Articles
The number of young children who are obese and extremely obese is going down, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In what researchers say is the first national study to show that the prevalence of obesity among young children may have begun to decline, scientists analyzed data from more than 27 million children from low-income families between the ages of 2 and 4?in 30 states and the District of Columbia. "The results of this study indicate modest recent progress of obesity prevention among young children," according to the study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA ).? It's hard to believe, but more than?one in 10 toddlers?in this country are obese, according to this report.? In 1998, 13% of 2-, 3- and 4-year-old children were obese and 1.75% were extremely obese, according to the new report.? In the following years, those statistics went up.? Obesity and extreme obesity rates peaked in 2003, according the data, says Heidi Blanck, Ph.D., one of the study authors and the Chief of the Obesity Prevention and Control Branch in the CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.? In that year, 15.21% of 2- and 4-year-olds were obese and 2.22% were extremely obese. But in 2010, the obesity rates dropped modestly to just less than 15% (14.94%) and extreme obesity dropped a little too, down to 2.07%. "We are cautiously optimistic that the number of obese and extremely obese children is going down," says Blanck. Health experts determine if?an adult is obese?by calculating the height/weight ratio called the body mass index (BMI).? In adults, someone with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Determining if a child is obese is a little more complicated. ?If a child's BMI ?puts him at more than the 95th percentile for age and sex, he is considered obese.? If a child is at 120% or more of the 95th percentile, she is considered to be extremely obese.? Or, as Blanck explains it:? A 3-year-old boy who is of average height (37 and 2/3 inches) and weighs 37 pounds would be considered obese. ?If that same boy weighs 44 pounds or more, he would be considered to be extremely obese. Blanck and her colleagues are cautiously optimistic about their findings because when children are obese, it's really putting them on a path for poor health.? Childhood obesity and extreme obesity are more prevalent among minority and low-income families. While the prevalence of childhood obesity still remains much too high, Blanks says it's important that the "upward trends have turned around" because previous research has shown that childhood obesity tracks into adolescent obesity.? And, depending on which study you look at, 65% to 80% of adolescents who are obese go on to be obese adults. "This really puts them at risk for heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers." This new report doesn't specifically indicate what has contributed to this slight decline in obesity rates,? but Blanck believes an increasing awareness?about childhood obesity among parents, health professionals and communities all plays a role.? She also believes that an increase in breastfeeding among low-income mother may also have contributed.? A 2011 report from the CDC says breastfeeding for nine months reduces a baby's odds of becoming overweight by more than 30%. Since this new CDC study?is focusing on 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds who are obese and extremely obese, Blanck suggests that it's important for parents to be aware of what their child consumes in childcare. According to the CDC, 60% of U.S. preschool aged-children spend at least 30 hours per week in child care. While health officials and schools implemented more mandates for providing healthier food in schools a decade ago, that wasn't the case in childcare settings.?But Blanck says during the?past five years, she's seen more childcare facilities increase activity opportunities and providing more water, less sugary drinks, all things that can help prevent a child from gaining weight. Parents can encourage their children to have water as their first drink of choice (as opposed to soda, juice or other sugary drinks).? They can also ask for better food and drink choices in childcare settings.? Blanck points to part of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign, which provides tips and support for child care providers , to (in the words of the First Lady) "change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and nutrition," and therefore help reduce the number of obese children in this country. Filed under: Adolescent Health , Breastfeeding , Children?s Health , Obesity Tagged: Miriam Falco ? CNN Medical Managing Editor
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Obesity among young children declines slightly
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